Tafelstern - Tasting the world with Tafelstern
Guests are curious globetrotters. Exploring cultures and lifestyles through food. All around the world, chefs are expected to present familiar dishes and exotic delicacies as imaginatively as possible. Aspirational restaurateurs and hoteliers put their faith in TAFELSTERN. The brand has long been associated with modern table culture. With a wide range of creative porcelain collections and decorative options, TAFELSTERN is inspiring the culinary world and providing the perfect setting for international food trends.
The simple elegance of the TAFELSTERN collections has garnered coveted design awards and makes any article perfect for any occasion. The brand indulges in occasional flamboyance with its striking showpieces.
Charming effects are created by the combination of white and decorated porcelain with selected products from PLAYGROUND. This fashionable collection can be obtained from TAFELSTERN. It is constantly being expanded and includes collections and accessories using interesting materials such as stoneware, wood, metal, felt and glass.